How old is Bobby Whitlock? When is Bobby Whitlock's birthday? Where is Bobby Whitlock born? Where did Bobby Whitlock grow up from? What's Bobby Whitlock's age?
Bobby Whitlock Born: 1948 (age 75years), Memphis, TN
How about Bobby Whitlock's instrument?
Bobby Whitlock Instrument: Vocals; keyboards; guitar
Is Bobby Whitlock married? When did Bobby Whitlock get married? Who's Bobby Whitlock's married to? (Who's Bobby Whitlock's husband / wife)?
Bobby Whitlock Spouse: CoCo Carmel
How about Bobby Whitlock's group?
Bobby Whitlock Group: Derek and the Dominos (1970 1971), Delaney & Bonnie
Did Bobby Whitlock write Layla?
For much of the 1980s and 1990s, Whitlock lived on a farm in Mississippi, raising his children and doing occasional session work. He had his own television show with Steve Cropper.
Does Bobby Whitlock have children?
For much of the 1980s and 1990s, Whitlock lived on a farm in Mississippi, raising his children and doing occasional session work. He had his own television show with Steve Cropper.