When a family has as many kids who are as close in age as the Duggars, there’s bound to be a lot of competition.
Considering how much emphasis Jim Bob places on courtship, marriage, and mating, perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised that his sons have occasionally found themselves in the throes of romantic rivalry.
And since the Duggar boys are all so close, perhaps it makes sense that they would eventually find themselves competing for the attention of the same woman.
Or at least that fans would imagine a scenario in which two of them were fighting over a potential partner.
As you’ve likely heard by now, Justin Duggar married Claire Spivey back in February.
Those nuptials have since been overshadowed by a different surprise wedding — this one between Jed Duggar and Katey Nakatsu — because the Duggar marriage/procreation train never stops rolling.
But Justin and Claire remain one of the most unexpected Duggar couples for a number of reasons.
For starters, Justin was only 17 when the courtship began, which led to rumors that Claire was originally introduced to the family so that she could be married to one of Justin’s older siblings.
Specifically, they think that Claire was introduced to Jason Duggar, but she wound up hitting it off with Justin instead.
Now, there’s been a lot of speculation about the possibility that Jim Bob arranged Justin and Claire’s marriage.
We don’t know for sure if that’s the case, but considering the Duggar and Spivey families live in different states, the kids were probably introduced to one another by their elders.
Jason, it seems, is quite a charismatic figure, and his rumored effect on the Spivey family is such that it inspired headlines like:
"Is Claire Spivey’s Mother Hilary Obsessed With Jason Duggar?"
The answer to that question is "probably not" — but that hasn’t stopped the rumor mill from churning.
“I think that Claire’s mom secretly wished her daughter married Jason instead of Justin," one fan speculated on Reddit.

Others were quick to squash the speculation.
"I think they were in opposite roles in the wedding and Jason is friends with her sons so she has a good, healthy relationship with him," one commenter replied.
"I think they walked together in the wedding party, everyone chill," another wrote.
Some have taken the speculation to Hilary Spivey’s Instagram page and have gone so far as to ask her directly if she’s planning on marrying off Claire’s younger sister to Jason.
"Are you adopting this one as well? Possibly arranging something with your other daughter?" a fan asked in the comments.
"We would love to have Jason in our fam but no, our gal is too young," she wrote.
"We do say that he is part of the fam now that Justin and Claire are married. Friends come and go, but family is forever."
Well, Hilary might be new to the world of reality TV fame, but it seems she’s already learned how to handle the rumors wirh grace and dignity.
It’s a skill that will serve her well in the years to come!