How about Colby Rasmus's home_run?
Colby Rasmus Home_run: 166
How old is Colby Rasmus? When is Colby Rasmus's birthday? Where is Colby Rasmus born? Where did Colby Rasmus grow up from? What's Colby Rasmus's age?
Colby Rasmus Born: 1986 (age 37years), Columbus, GA
Is Colby Rasmus married? When did Colby Rasmus get married? Who's Colby Rasmus's married to? (Who's Colby Rasmus's husband / wife)?
Colby Rasmus Spouse: Megan Hudson (m. 2011)
How about Colby Rasmus's parents?
Colby Rasmus Parents: Tony Rasmus, Robin Rasmus
How about Colby Rasmus's sibling?
Colby Rasmus Sibling: Cory Rasmus
How about Colby Rasmus's number?
Colby Rasmus Number: 28 (Houston Astros / Outfielder), MORE
How about Colby Rasmus's career end?
Colby Rasmus Career end: 2018
Why did Colby Rasmus leave baseball?
So there's a new nickname in the offing: Colby \u201cThe Hitman\u201d Rasmus.
Does Colby Rasmus still play baseball?
So there's a new nickname in the offing: Colby \u201cThe Hitman\u201d Rasmus.
Has there ever been an Amish MLB player?
So there's a new nickname in the offing: Colby \u201cThe Hitman\u201d Rasmus.
What is Colby Rasmus's nickname?
So there's a new nickname in the offing: Colby \u201cThe Hitman\u201d Rasmus.