Sex and the City actress Cynthia Nixon, 41, talked to People about how she gives back to her community and how she teaches her children to do the same. She has daughter Samantha, 11, and son Charles Ezekiel, 5 next month, with ex-partner Danny Mozes and says that they are "not too young to learn about giving back." She also tries to instill religiousness in them,
My children are being raised Jewish, so last year we all had a meeting with a rabbi, who said it’s good to let your children know what their parents values are.
Cynthia’s partner Christine Marinoni works for the Alliance of Quality Education and Cynthia is pro-public school.
I’m a very big public school advocate. I try to bring public awareness to increase funding. My kids go to public school. I grew up here [in New York], went to public school, got a great education. It wasn’t a tough decision.
When it comes to future decisions for the children, Samantha is "a very good writer" and Charles is "very into building and dinosaurs, that kind of thing".
The children visit Cynthia on the set of her movie Sex and the City: The Movie and she tries to set up a playdate between Charles and Sarah Jessica Parker‘s son James Wilkie, 5, but it hasn’t worked out so far.
If we’re shooting late on a Friday night, they’ll come by the set. They [Charlie and James] seem to be on set different days. But we talk to Charlie about James and James about Charlie, and one day we’ll figure it out so they can be there at the same time.
Source: People.com