How old is Dick Purtan? When is Dick Purtan's birthday? Where is Dick Purtan born? Where did Dick Purtan grow up from? What's Dick Purtan's age?
Dick Purtan Born: July 11, 1936 (age 87years), Buffalo, New York, United States
Is Dick Purtan married? When did Dick Purtan get married? Who's Dick Purtan's married to? (Who's Dick Purtan's husband / wife)?
Dick Purtan Spouse: Gail Purtan
Does Dick Purtan have any children? What are the names of Dick Purtan's children? What are the ages of Dick Purtan's children?
Dick Purtan Children: JoAnne Purtan, Jackie Purtan, Jennifer Purtan, Julie Purtan, Jessica Purtan, Jill Purtan
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