A fertility clinic used by British couples accidentally implanted two women looking to start families with each other's embryos.
The State Institute for Drug Control is now investigating Czech fertility clinic Reprofit.
Local media reported that the clinic put the wrong embryos into the wombs of two mothers, both of whom came from abroad.
Matej Stejskal, the vice Chairman of the clinic's holding company FutureLife confirmed: 'It was a human error, not a system failure. The people who manipulated the embryos are suspended.'

Czech fertility clinic Reprofit in the city of Brno where medics accidentally implanted two patients with each other's embryos
According to the clinic, both couples involved in the incident come from EU countries outside the Czech Republic. Local media reported that one couple are Austrian.
The clinic is regularly visited by foreign clients and co-operates with several clinics in the UK. In 2015 the Reprofit clinic had 304 clients from the UK.
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ShareThe clinic itself informed The State Institute for Drug Control of the error after discovering it during routine quality checks.
According to Czech law, the mother of the baby is the woman who gives birth to the child. The woman is considered to be the biological and legal mother, regardless of genetic maternity.
Lawyer Tomas Pelikan told Czech media that the 'human error' defence is not good enough.
He said 'The system should prevent individual errors from occurring. It should be set up in such a way that such mix-ups don't happen.

Families from the UK go to the Czech Republic for IVF treatment as it is usually cheaper than the UK
'They should use bar coding, colour coding and what they call witnessing, in which one embryologist checks the work of another. It's highly individual work that requires very careful concentration.'
Any sanctions the clinic will face will become clear after the State Institute for Drug Control completes its investigation.
Lawyers said the patients may receive significant damage payments.