How old is Eric Wood? When is Eric Wood's birthday? Where is Eric Wood born? Where did Eric Wood grow up from? What's Eric Wood's age?
Eric Wood Born: 1986 (age 37years), Cincinnati, OH
Is Eric Wood married? When did Eric Wood get married? Who's Eric Wood's married to? (Who's Eric Wood's husband / wife)?
Eric Wood Spouse: Leslie Wood (m. 2012)
How about Eric Wood's parents?
Eric Wood Parents: Randal Wood, Diane Wood
How about Eric Wood's sibling?
Eric Wood Sibling: Evan Wood
How about Eric Wood's education?
Eric Wood Education: Elder High School, University of Louisville
How tall is Eric Wood in meters or centimeters?
Eric Wood Height: 6 4
What is Eric Wood doing now?
Wood made some key changes to his diet to help him lose weight, including restricting his eating window to 8 hours a day and reducing his consumption of simple carbohydrates and processed foods. "I became more aware of sugar intake throughout my playing career," says Wood.
How did Eric Wood lose weight?
Wood made some key changes to his diet to help him lose weight, including restricting his eating window to 8 hours a day and reducing his consumption of simple carbohydrates and processed foods. "I became more aware of sugar intake throughout my playing career," says Wood.
Who wore #70 for the bills?
Player | No | Experience |
Josh Allen | 17 | 6 |
Kyle Allen | 9 | 5 |
Alec Anderson | 70 | 1 |
Tyler Bass | 2 | 4 |