After topless photographs were leaked online without her consent, Pretty Little Liars star Lucy Hale has released a statement condemning the hacks. According to TMZ, Hale plans to sue the site that published the photos, which have since been taken down and replaced with fake Photoshopped images. “Well, I wasn’t going to comment on something so ridiculous, but since 2017 is gonna be all about speaking my truth…I’m going to say something,” Hale wrote on Twitter Thursday afternoon. (The actress recently said that 2017, which will feature the last season of Pretty Little Liars, will be a “me year.”)
“Once again, a woman in the public eye was violated, stolen from and her private life and body were exposed for anyone to see,” she continued. “I will not apologize for living my life and having a personal life that is all mine. It’s truly unfortunate that being exposed in this way is allowed. Thank you for all the sweet, supportive messages I’ve been receiving. It was a much needed reminder that I’m surrounded by so much love. I appreciate you all very much. And to whoever did this…kiss my ass.”
— Lucy Hale (@lucyhale) December 23, 2016Many Hollywood women have had their privacy violated in similar ways. Earlier this year, Leslie Jones’s personal website was hacked to include private nude photos, while the hacker behind 2014’s nude-photo scandal — which targeted over 600 women — was recently sentenced to 18 months in jail.
Lucy Hale to Nude Photo Hackers: ‘Kiss My Ass’ncG1vNJzZmivp6x7t8HLrayrnV6YvK57kWlob2dhZ3ytwcKyZKGZnJp6tbuMp6ydnV2ltbDAzmafmpubmr%2B0ecqiqqxlna56or%2FSZ5%2BtpZw%3D