How old is Seasick Steve? When is Seasick Steve's birthday? Where is Seasick Steve born? Where did Seasick Steve grow up from? What's Seasick Steve's age?
Seasick Steve Born: 1951 (age 72years), Oakland, CA
How about Seasick Steve's instrument?
Seasick Steve Instrument: Vocals; guitar; diddley bow; stomp box; banjo; harmonica
Is Seasick Steve married? When did Seasick Steve get married? Who's Seasick Steve's married to? (Who's Seasick Steve's husband / wife)?
Seasick Steve Spouse: Elizabeth Wold
How about Seasick Steve's skos genre?
Seasick Steve Skos genre: Blues
What happened to Seasick Steve?
It is those astonishing and engaging live performances that have turned Steve and drummer Dan Magnusson into such a powerful force both Iive and on record (selling over 1m albums), and selling out venues (including London's Wembley Arena) all over the world in the process.
Where did Seasick Steve come from?
It is those astonishing and engaging live performances that have turned Steve and drummer Dan Magnusson into such a powerful force both Iive and on record (selling over 1m albums), and selling out venues (including London's Wembley Arena) all over the world in the process.
What guitar does Seasick Steve play?
It is those astonishing and engaging live performances that have turned Steve and drummer Dan Magnusson into such a powerful force both Iive and on record (selling over 1m albums), and selling out venues (including London's Wembley Arena) all over the world in the process.
Who plays drums for Seasick Steve?
It is those astonishing and engaging live performances that have turned Steve and drummer Dan Magnusson into such a powerful force both Iive and on record (selling over 1m albums), and selling out venues (including London's Wembley Arena) all over the world in the process.