'Big Brother' host, Julie Chen Moonves was honest about her chances of winning the game.
Published on July 5, 2022
2 min readAfter years of hosting Big Brother, could you win the game? Julie Chen Moonves revealed why she never wants to find out.
Would Julie Chen Moonves ever leave ‘Big Brother’?
Moonves has hosted Big Brother since season 1. That season Ian O’Malley co-hosted, but Moonves was the one who has done the job solo since then. That means the host has been there for every premiere and live eviction so it’s hard to imagine the reality TV show without her. But she revealed who she’d pick for her replacement if the time ever comes.
“I cannot picture Big Brother without me hosting it,” she told Us Weekly. “I mean, I’ve been there since the beginning. I feel like it’s my child, you know. It’d be giving up my child. No, and I’ve said this before, but Bob Barker hosted The Price is Right for 55 years. But that show did go on without him.”
She said, “I mean, at some point, I hope it only goes on without me if I’m six feet under, and I’m not hoping for that. Or pass it on to my son, I’ve told them. That would be funny.”
Moonves’ son is Charlie, and he’s still very young. She gave birth to him in 2009.
Julie Chen Moonves says she can’t lie to play ‘Big Brother’
There are different types of Big Brother players and strategies. Moonves talked to Entertainment Tonight and revealed why she doesn’t think she could play the game.
“I mean, maybe like a dozen years ago. But these challenges are so hard now,” the host admitted. “And, you know, I’m a straight shooter. It’s not in my nature to lie, and I think you need at least a little bit of that to get far in this game. So I’m not cut out for it.”
There are some players who are straight shooters and know they have to stick to being loyal for their game. But it looks like Moonves also thinks not being able to win challenges is another part of the game that would hinder her.
Julie Chen Moonves changed how she hosted the show recently
So the host will be sticking to her duties. But her approach has changed over the years. Moonves admitted that she improved her hosting abilities after season 1. But she got her nickname “Chenbot” that season for her robotic delivery.
She changed how she hosted once again in 2020 after sexual harassment allegations against her husband, Les Moonves, were made public. The host started to refer to herself as “Julie Chen Moonves” instead of “Julie Chen” on the show that year. She also started signing off with a message to fans like reminding them of the Golden Rule.